The church/community room is accessible and has a hearing loop system and accessible toilet.

Access for wheelchair users is via Wycliffe Street through the large double gates. Follow the path to the lift which provides access to the front entrance. The controls are on a post on the right hand side at the end of the path. You will come out at the top of the steps to the main entrance, with the large door on your left. Once through the main entrance, there are two smaller doors leading into a hallway area with the toilet directly in front. The entrance to the community room is through a fire door on the right hand side. You will enter at one end of the room, with the wall to your left. The kitchenette area is along the wall on your right, just past the door you came in through.

If you have any special requirements, or just want to check in advance, please get in touch.

Every effort has been made to make this site as accessible as possible within our budget. Please let us know if there are any problems/issues we have missed and can rectify.