“Where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I in the midst of them”

Matthew 18.20

Worship is very informal, and new people always welcome.

Services are on the first Sunday of the month at 2.30pm.


Wycliffe is the nearest Congregational Church to Stockport town centre, and is part of the Congregational Federation. Congregationalists are very democratic, and churches are run by the congregation through meetings and appointment of Deacons. Although a member of the Congregational Federation, this is not an authoritative body, merely advisory and supportive, and all decisions are voted on by members of the church.

  • Congregationalists are bound to their local church, and each church to the Congregational Federation, by belief in the living God revealed in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour.
  • We trust in our Lord’s promise to be with His people who meet in His name.
  • We affirm the scriptural right of every church to maintain independence in the ordering of its affairs according to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
  • We recognise the oneness of all Christians within the world-wide Church, and respect the natural diversities of ways to God. We seek the unity for which Christ prayed by the means He wills.
  • We worship, work and serve with all who love our Lord, to realise His Kingdom in the world, and to help our fellow people everywhere to know the joy of His companionship.

Who can become a Church Member?

All people who put their trust in Jesus Christ and are resolved, by God’s help to walk in His footsteps. Or, more simply, are in earnest about trying to lead a better life.

We do not ask you to accept a certain theological creed.

If you have heard Christ’s “Follow Me” and if your desire to follow Him has grown into a decision, then no other qualification is needed to become a member, for none other is needed to become a disciple of Christ.

New members welcome, pop along to a service or coffee morning for a chat.